
During the present novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, those on the front lines—including health care professionals, researchers, and government experts—need quick, easy access to real-time critical data. This type of information exchange is what APIs do best, and as an API-first company, Postman is committed to providing whatever assistance we can in this area.
To submit an API to add to the list, please email us at
COVID-19@postman.comor submit an issue on Github.
In addition to the fast-growing list of existing APIs and API resources listed above, the Postman team is also working around the clock to create new API collections which will provide you with access to vital data sets that aren't presently served by any existing APIs, using the following blueprints for quickly deploying new APIs from existing data sets:
If you have a pandemic-related project you’d like deployed as an API, please email us at
COVID-19@postman.comor submit an issue on Github.
If you'd like additional help or guidance on using APIs to retrieve or expose critical data about the pandemic, the Postman developer relations team can provide consultations to get you going in the right direction. Contact us anytime at
An example implementation showing how Google Sheets, Postman, and GitHub can be used to crowdsource public data.
If you are a nonprofit organization working on COVID-related activities that involve APIs, Postman has created special discounts to help you further your work. Qualifying nonprofits (see eligibility guidelines below) will receive ten Postman Business Plan licenses for free, and a 75% discount for each additional license thereafter. (Note: There's also a free Postman plan which includes an impressive range of API lifecycle and collaboration capabilities that might be ideal for your project.Download the free app now.) If you're interested in applying for the discount program, fill out the form below and we'll get you started ASAP.
科学上网 | 毒导航:2021-4-7 · V2RayNG: v2rayNG-v1.2.4.apk 官网下载 配置教程 Kitsunebi: Kitsunebi_v1.8.0.apk 上游下载 配置教程 BifrostV: bifrostV-v0.6.8.apk 上游下载 配置教程 Mac客户端: V2RayU: v2rayU-v2.1.0.dmg 官网下载 配置教程 V2RayX: 官网下载
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- Providing relief to the poor
- Advancing education
- Improving social and community welfare
- Preserving culture
- Preserving or restoring the environment
- Promoting human rights and humanitarianism
- Social Services provider, e.g. Elder Care, Hospice, Mental Health Treatment, Community Health Services, Substance Abuse Treatment, Blood & Organ Transplant Banks, Developmental Services, Disability Services, Reproductive Health Services
- Nonprofit sports body
- Religious, charitable, scientific, or literary
Ineligible organization types
Not all 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations are eligible for donated Postman products. Ineligible organizations include the following:
- Hospitals, organizations involved with health insurance or group health plans, and related organizations
- Legislative and political activity organizations, or advocacy groups
- Trade, business or professional organizations; fraternal beneficiary societies, orders, or associations; providers of other services or benefits to members or employees
- Government instrumentalities or agencies
- Foundations
- Religious organizations without a secular community designation. To have a secular designation, an organization must provide services to people regardless of their religious beliefs and must not propagate a belief in a specific faith. It must also have a tax ID (EIN) separate from that of the church or religious organization.
- US:Only 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofits are eligible. This means that organizations that are designated as nonprofit under IRS Subsections other than 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) are not eligible.
Terms of service:
- Organizations that request Postman products must agree to the Postman EULA along with any applicable Postman terms of service prior to obtaining access to the products.
- V2Ray 客户端-何先生:2021-6-10 · V2RayU:v2rayU-v2.1.0 官方下载 安卓客户端: V2RayNG: v2rayNG-v1.2.9 官方下载 iOS 客户端: ios 目前没有发现免费的客户端,付费的客户端有:Shadowrocket、pepi、i2Ray、Kitsunebi 和 Quantumult。何先生推荐 Quantumult 。Linux 客户端:
- Products will be distributed to qualifying organizations only, not to individuals.
- Postman reserves the right to grant or deny an organization's request at any time, for any reason.
- For organizations that possess multiple IRS designations, the product donation licenses and discounts may only be used by the 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organization.
- Recipient organizations may not transfer or resell Postman products.