

                                  During the present novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, those on the front lines—including health care professionals, researchers, and government experts—need quick, easy access to real-time critical data. This type of information exchange is what APIs do best, and as an API-first company, Postman is committed to providing whatever assistance we can in this area.


                                  World Health Organization (WHO)
                                  Twitter and YouTube API feeds for WHO, and their RSS feeds
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                                  Twitter and YouTube API feeds for CDC, and their RSS feeds for pulling information
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
                                  MuMu模拟器版本更新日志 2021/10/12(更新中) - 问答专区 ...:2021-8-31 · 需下载最新版,请到MuMu官网下载或者在菜单- 关于我伊中检查更新: MuMu官网 2021-08-31【MuMu模拟器安卓6.0】版本:2.2.17【点击下载】 1、新增《明日方舟》《重装战姬》招募、图鉴工具,可通过模拟器工具箱查询 ...
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  The COVID Tracking Project
                                  The COVID Tracking Project collects information from 50 US states, the District of Columbia, and 5 other US territories to provide the most comprehensive testing data we can collect for the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Coronavirus COVID19 API (
                                  An API for current cases and more information about COVID-19
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID19-Tracker-REST API
                                  An API for current cases and more information about COVID-19
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  NovelCOVID API
                                  An API for current cases and more information about COVID-19
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  The COVID-19 API provides information related with the case of pneumonia associated with the COVID-19 coronavirus
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Coronavirus Data API (
                                  Provides global stats, country stats, full timeline, and country timeline for the coronavirus
                                  Health API - COVID-19 (
                                  Global Coronavirus statistics by country and state.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Coronavirus Smartable (
                                  The coronavirus stats and news API offers latest and historic COVID-19 stats and news information per country or state
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  New South Wales Coronavirus Cases
                                  New South Wales Coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19) cases
                                  手机版v2rayngRun in Postman
                                  Get real-time updates on the number of COVID-19 (Corona virus) cases in the US with a state-by-state breakdown. Data is sourced from CDC and reputable sources.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 Elsevier Research API
                                  A research dataset search engine API (indexing datasets from 60+ scientific data repositories worldwide).
                                  v2rayng苹果客户端下载Run in Postman
                                  A volunteer-driven API for COVID-19 stats & patient tracing in India (Unofficial).
                                  Covid India API
                                  REST API to track Coronavirus cases in India on state level.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 Statistics API
                                  【】SEO优化诊断分析结果-网站评分69-SEO ...:Chaciren.comSEO诊断分析结果、关键词流量分析,网站域名分析,网站评分 69。帮助您识别SEO错误并优化网页内容, 提高您的网页速度,并修复您的SEO错误,伍提高搜索引擎排名。
                                  手机版v2rayngRun in Postman
                                  COVID19 -India- API(By Adhikansh Mittal)
                                  The data is used from the official website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India.[official website]
                                  Chile Corona API
                                  API to obtain data about coronavirus infections (COVID-19) in Chile.
                                  v2rayng最新版下载Run in Postman
                                  COVID19 India Data API
                                  COVID19India API provides you with the details of the Country Cases and the State Cases as per the data updated in the MyGOV website.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 API
                                  This is an API for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statistics. Source of data for this API is Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE) Github Repository.
                                  v2rayng最新版下载Run in Postman
                                  COVID-19 India Cases API
                                  COVID-19 India cases - statewise (source - Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare, India).
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak API for Developers
                                  Provides confirmed cases by country and region, province and state, from CDC, ECDC, WHO, Wikipedia and NOVELCovid.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Librairy API
                                  An open web service to identify drugs mentioned in a text and classify them according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system and the Concept Unique Identifiers (CUI) described in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS).
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 Nigeria API
                                  Based on public data from Nigeria Centre for Disease Control.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  UK Coronavirus Data API
                                  V2Ray 各平台客户端下载与使用教程 windows客户端V4.20.0 ...:2021-9-26 · V2Ray各平台客户端下载与使用教程 windows客户端V4.20.0官方最新版下载 v2一键下载安卓版本 v2rayN安卓手机版vmess ios苹果应用商店...
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 Japan Web API
                                  Web API to get COVID-19(coronavirus) information of each prefecture in Japan.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 testing locations in Australia
                                  A single collection with a request for a list of coronavirus testing locations in Australia.
                                  手机版v2rayngRun in Postman
                                  US Energy Information Administration
                                  EIA API accesses open data for energy sources and consumption in the US.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  无限撸IDM正版激活码1月 | 二次元小窝:2021-5-21 · IDM介绍: Internet Download Manager IDM下载器是一款先进的下载工具,可伍提升您的下载速度高达5倍,支持续传,IDM 可伍让用户自动下载某些类型的文件,它可将文件划分为多个下载点伍更快速度下载,并列出最近的下载,方便访问文件。 相对于 ...
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 India Tracker
                                  This API gives you the latest COVID-19 State wise and District wise data in India. This API is very simple to use and create awesome Portal.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Infection Alert System
                                  shadowrocket安卓下载 - 好看123:2021-6-4 · 3.下载ShadowRocket 507 Android 版 免费 最新版: 点击前往 网站介绍:马上从 Softonic 下载 ShadowRocket 5.0.7 Android 版: 100% 安全无虞,无病毒。 本月下载已超过 3810 次。 下载 ShadowRocket 最新版 2021 4.查找「shadowrocket安卓版下载」安卓应用
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 API with Machine Learning Prediction
                                  The COVID-19 statistics collected from multiple sources and provided as an easy to use API. The data is then processed by Machine Learning algorithms to build disease spread prediction that is updated daily based on the recent data.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Coronavirus (COVID19) Tracker
                                  V2ray Cat:2021-3-10 · V2ray Cat
                                  Access data on COVID19 through an easy API for free. Build dashboards, mobile apps or integrate in to other applications. Data is sourced from Johns Hopkins CSSE.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 Rich Data Services
                                  Given the critical need for timely access to high quality data around COVID-19, MTNA is making our Rich Data Service platform publicly and freely available for the publication of primary and contextual COVID-19 related data, to support researchers, data analysts, developers, and public users.
                                  手机版v2rayngRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 Global Tracker
                                  This free API exposes all available regional data housed on Wikipedia. This collections serves data for these use-cases: Realtime global counts; total cases, recovered & deceased, Realtime counts across countries; total cases, recovered & deceased, Weekly (historical) data counts; total cases, recovered & deceased, Drill-down of regional data for a country by states, provinces, other.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Canadian COVID-19 API
                                  安装 | 新 V2Ray 白话文指南:2021-5-27 · 点这里 下载 V2Ray 的 Windows 压缩包,如果是 32 位系统,下载,如果是 64 位系统,下载下载速度慢或无法下载请考虑挂已有的翻墙软件来下载)。下载并且解压之后会有下面这些文件: v2ray.exe 运行 V2Ray 的
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Coronatracker API
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                                  ECDC World Wide Cases
                                  The downloadable data file is updated daily and contains the latest available public data on COVID-19. Public-use data files allows users to manipulate the data in a format appropriate for their analyses. Users of ECDC public-use data files must comply with data use restrictions to ensure that the information will be used solely for statistical analysis or reporting purposes.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  CDC Cases & Deaths (ScrAPI)
                                  Scraping the COVID-19 cases and deaths from the CDC home page, converting the data to JSON, and saving it within an environment
                                  CDC Testing (ScrAPI)
                                  Scraping the number of specimens tested for SARS CoV-2 by CDC labs and U.S. public health laboratories from the CDC website
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  US Digital Registry API
                                  An API for pulling federal government agencies and social media accounts
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  News API
                                  An aggregate news API for pulling news from across multiple news sources
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  COVID-19 Twitter Searches
                                  Twitter API search, with a handful of the common search COVID-19 search terms.
                                  手机版v2rayngRun in Postman
                                  Twitter Accounts for State Government in 50 US States
                                  State government Twitter accounts for all 50 states in the United States
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Twitter Accounts for State Governors in 50 US States
                                  State governor Twitter accounts for all 50 states in the United States
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Twitter Accounts for State Health Departments in 50 US States
                                  一伇不负责任的机场使用手册(内含SS/SSR客户端下载 ...:2021-9-29 · V2RayN/V2RayNG 是同一作者 HMBSbige是近来较为活跃的SSR客户端开发者,目前Windows版界面已有较大改动,也有意向接手Android版。SSD 的作者,拉黑了大部分的国产系统,但有人提供了解除限制的版本。SSD最新版可于issue进行下载。
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  County Health Departments for All 50 US States
                                  A single collection with a request for each of the 50 states, pulling a listing of name, website, address, phone, email, twitter, and facebook for all county health departments
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Twitter Accounts for County Health Departments in all 50 US States
                                  The Twitter accounts for over 300 county health departments across 50 US States
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Department of Veteran Affairs (VA)
                                  V2Ray完全配置指南 – Ai:2021-3-20 · 如果你已经下载了某个版本的 V2Ray,则可通过这个参数指定一个文件路径来进行安装。 示例: 使用地址为 的 SOCKS 伋理下载并安装最新版本:./ -p socks5:// 安装本地的 v1.13 版本:./ –version v1.13 –local /path/to
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman

                                  To submit an API to add to the list, please email us at
                                  COVID-19@postman.comor submit an issue on Github.


                                  In addition to the fast-growing list of existing APIs and API resources listed above, the Postman team is also working around the clock to create new API collections which will provide you with access to vital data sets that aren't presently served by any existing APIs, using the following blueprints for quickly deploying new APIs from existing data sets:

                                  Google Sheets to API
                                  Developing a Postman Collection that pulls data from a Google Sheet and then makes it available as an API, allowing the data to be seamlessly integrated into other websites and applications
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Website scraping to API
                                  Developing a Postman Collection that scrapes data from an existing website and then makes it available as an API for integration into other websites and applications
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  AWS Database to API
                                  Deploying APIs from Aurora, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases using Postman.
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Azure Database to API
                                  Deploying APIs from Cosmos DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases using Postman
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Google Database to API
                                  Deploying APIs from Cloud DataStore, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases using Postman
                                  DocumentationRun in Postman
                                  Deploying APIs from PostgreSQL databases using Postman
                                  v2rayng苹果客户端下载Run in Postman

                                  If you have a pandemic-related project you’d like deployed as an API, please email us at
                                  COVID-19@postman.comor submit an issue on Github.

                                  If you'd like additional help or guidance on using APIs to retrieve or expose critical data about the pandemic, the Postman developer relations team can provide consultations to get you going in the right direction. Contact us anytime at


                                  An example implementation showing how Google Sheets, Postman, and GitHub can be used to crowdsource public data.

                                  See Reference Implementation


                                  If you are a nonprofit organization working on COVID-related activities that involve APIs, Postman has created special discounts to help you further your work. Qualifying nonprofits (see eligibility guidelines below) will receive ten Postman Business Plan licenses for free, and a 75% discount for each additional license thereafter. (Note: There's also a free Postman plan which includes an impressive range of API lifecycle and collaboration capabilities that might be ideal for your project.Download the free app now.) If you're interested in applying for the discount program, fill out the form below and we'll get you started ASAP.

                                  科学上网 | 毒导航:2021-4-7 · V2RayNG: v2rayNG-v1.2.4.apk 官网下载 配置教程 Kitsunebi: Kitsunebi_v1.8.0.apk 上游下载 配置教程 BifrostV: bifrostV-v0.6.8.apk 上游下载 配置教程 Mac客户端: V2RayU: v2rayU-v2.1.0.dmg 官网下载 配置教程 V2RayX: 官网下载

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                                  • Providing relief to the poor
                                  • Advancing education
                                  • Improving social and community welfare
                                  • Preserving culture
                                  • Preserving or restoring the environment
                                  • Promoting human rights and humanitarianism
                                  • Social Services provider, e.g. Elder Care, Hospice, Mental Health Treatment, Community Health Services, Substance Abuse Treatment, Blood & Organ Transplant Banks, Developmental Services, Disability Services, Reproductive Health Services
                                  • Nonprofit sports body
                                  • Religious, charitable, scientific, or literary

                                  Ineligible organization types

                                  Not all 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations are eligible for donated Postman products. Ineligible organizations include the following:

                                  • Hospitals, organizations involved with health insurance or group health plans, and related organizations
                                  • Legislative and political activity organizations, or advocacy groups
                                  • Trade, business or professional organizations; fraternal beneficiary societies, orders, or associations; providers of other services or benefits to members or employees
                                  • Government instrumentalities or agencies
                                  • Foundations
                                  • Religious organizations without a secular community designation. To have a secular designation, an organization must provide services to people regardless of their religious beliefs and must not propagate a belief in a specific faith. It must also have a tax ID (EIN) separate from that of the church or religious organization.
                                  • US:Only 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofits are eligible. This means that organizations that are designated as nonprofit under IRS Subsections other than 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) are not eligible.

                                  Terms of service:

                                  • Organizations that request Postman products must agree to the Postman EULA along with any applicable Postman terms of service prior to obtaining access to the products.
                                  • V2Ray 客户端-何先生:2021-6-10 · V2RayU:v2rayU-v2.1.0 官方下载 安卓客户端: V2RayNG: v2rayNG-v1.2.9 官方下载 iOS 客户端: ios 目前没有发现免费的客户端,付费的客户端有:Shadowrocket、pepi、i2Ray、Kitsunebi 和 Quantumult。何先生推荐 Quantumult 。Linux 客户端:
                                  • Products will be distributed to qualifying organizations only, not to individuals.
                                  • Postman reserves the right to grant or deny an organization's request at any time, for any reason.
                                  • For organizations that possess multiple IRS designations, the product donation licenses and discounts may only be used by the 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organization.
                                  • Recipient organizations may not transfer or resell Postman products.


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